Thank you for visiting the website of Elefun and review the terms and conditions of use.

The user of the website when entering or using the services offered on this website, expressly accepts the terms and conditions of use.

This website and its content are the property of Elefun and its total or partial reproduction, translation or transformation is prohibited without prior written authorization from Elefun. The offers contained in Elefun are exclusively for Colombia.

Neither Elefun nor its subsidiaries, subsidiaries or designated, nor their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, third-party content providers, designers, contractors, distributors, vendors, sponsors, grantors and others (jointly, «related» ) guarantee that the use of the website of Elefun will not suffer interruptions or contain errors since sometimes these depend on factors external to our company.

The contents of this site, its components, links and any content thereof can not be copied. Under no circumstances may the content of this site be sold, rented, duplicated, published, distributed by any means, stored, retransmitted or in any other way transferred independently that is onerous or free, without the prior express permission of Elefun.

The site may not be used for any immoral or illegal purpose. The data that is entered for such purposes will be eliminated immediately.

Under no circumstances Elefun nor its related parties will be responsible for any direct, indirect, unexpected, special or emergent damages that may be generated, either due to misuse of the Elefun website included in a non-exclusive manner, the damages that arise from your reliance on the information obtained on the Elefun website that causes errors, omissions, interruptions, deletion or corruption of files, viruses, delays in operation or transmission, or any other type of error in operation . In this case, for example, errors in data entry by the client, among others, apply.


The material contained in this site is the exclusive property of Elefun. All trademarks and logos that appear on the page are the property of Elefun or third parties that have authorized us to include and use these trademarks and logos.

The protection of rights also extends to the rights of Industrial and Intellectual Property owned by Elefun such as trade names, logos or all those susceptible of industrial or commercial use.

Except for the exceptions of law, it is expressly prohibited, without formal authorization from Elefun to modify, transmit or use the contents of this page for commercial purposes, unless an express agreement of collaboration and / or commercialization has been formalized.


At we request information from our clients to improve the experience and communication of products and services. By providing this data you are authorizing Elefun the use of personal information for informational and commercial purposes.

By providing your personal data on our website, we guarantee the protection of the same on our servers, additionally they will not be sold or used by third parties with a different purpose than the information process of Elefun, which has authorized the perform the registration with us.

This according to the law of Habeas Data 1581 of 2012.