Intensive spanish course

This course is intended for students that want to rapidly improve their Spanish language skills and maximize learning time in the classroom.

Our Intensive Course is designed to:

The course will develop the student’s Spanish language skills through a variety of linguistic, pragmatic, cultural and communicative components. Coursework and activities address core listening, speaking, comprehension, and writing capabilities.

The course develops cultural and pragmatic contextual understanding through in-class activities and supplemental after-school programs.

Average group size 6

3 to 4
Smaller groups help us to deliver more personalized attention.

Sarting date

Any monday


Monday to Friday
From 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
(20 hours per week / 4 hours a day)

Entry requirements

Elefun placement test

Certified levels


Salsa class!

On Tuesday!

Local food tasting!

On Wednesday!

Language exchange with locals!

On Thursday!

Meditation or yoga!

On Friday!